July’s Feature Clients


Name: Jack Flanagan

Birth Date: April 21, 2005

How long have you been working out at Bodyshop Athletics X?A little over 4 months

What is your favorite food? Ribs

What is your favorite exercise? Barbell Squats

Did you have any goals? How have you accomplished them? I joined to make myself look better, and while I haven't gotten to where I want to be in that sense, I am well on my way there

Why is working out important to you? What keeps you motivated to pursue health? I value the way I look, so making myself look better, and especially through something fun like this, is a valuable part of my daily life

What is one of your favorite or most memorable moments so far at Bodyshop Athletics X? Long story short, Drew had hurt himself and then proceeded to do an entire workout, without telling Jason. He heard Drew talking about it and then spent like ten minutes telling him why he should tell Jason about injuries beforehand Now when I tell Jason about my own injuries, I can say "I'm going to avoid pulling a Drew." It's stupid, but it's fun.

How would you describe your experience at Bodyshop Athletics X to a friend? It's really personal, and fun. The general way the gym works is a lot different to something like planet fitness, in the sense of each exercise and daily workout set has personalized weight amounts. Plus, all the staff are fun. That's a huge bonus.

Name: Drew Carter

Birth Date: May 13, 2005

How long have you been working out at Bodyshop Athletics X?I have been working out at Bodyshop Athletics X for about 5 months.

What is your favorite food? My favorite food would have to be Mac and cheese

What is your favorite exercise? My favorite exercise is weighted barbell squats.

Did you have any goals? How have you accomplished them? My goals were to build muscle tone and to increase my strength. I have gotten better muscle tone by consistently coming to the gym. I have increased strength by pushing myself while working out to increase the weight that I am using for each exercise.

Why is working out important to you? What keeps you motivated to pursue health? Working out is important to me because it’s a great time to improve my life and hang out with friends. My friends and trainers keep me motivated to pursuer health.

What is one of your favorite or most memorable moments so far at Bodyshop Athletics X? While I don’t have a particular favorite moment, I like talking to my trainers and friends about various things like tv shows and movies.

How would you describe your experience at Bodyshop Athletics X to a friend? I would describe my experience as having a fun time while also working out.

Jack and Drew are a dynamic duo! They bring a lot of energy and fun into the gym. They also work really hard which is fun to watch kids their age want to get better. We have so enjoyed having them apart of this family!