February’s Feature Client

Name: Janet Bowen


Birthday: April 5

How long have you been working out at Bodyshop Athletics X? 1 1/2 years

What is your favorite food? Any fresh seafood

What is your favorite exercise? Running

Did you have any goals? How have you accomplished them? When I joined Bodyshop Athletics I was a cardio junkie. I joined to get back to lifting weights so that I could strengthen and tone my muscles. I'm definitely stronger and never imagined lifting the amount of weight that I do currently. 

Why is working out important to you? What keeps you motivated to pursue health? I actually love working out. I love the adrenaline rush I get from working up a good sweat and completing a tough workout. I have run for years and even pushed through minor injury to finish distance races and always come out stronger in the end. At one point in my life I would exercise to justify eating. I've since learned that food is my fuel, and that healthy eating is key to better workouts and accomplishing goals. 

What is one of your favorite or most memorable moments so far at Bodyshop Athletics X? I don't know of a most memorable moment but one of my favorite things about being at Bodyshop X is feeling encouraged to be the best ME I can be. Jason's non-judgemental approach helps me feel less intimidated while still pushing me out of my comfort zone. The 6 am crew is a the best!!

How would you describe your experience at Bodyshop Athletics X to a friend? Having been a member of local big gyms, I found myself in somewhat of a rut. When I joined Bodyshop Athletics X, I gained an extended family. Many of the workouts could be done at home, but why would I do that when I can get excellent training and amazing workout friends who support me?

Is there anything you would like to mention? Huge thanks to Jason, Alli and the rest of the Bodyshop Athletics X staff. You guys are the best!

Consistency, hard work, and perseverance. If you're looking for an example for your athletes to look up to, Janet just might be that example. Janet makes exercise and healthy living a priority. The hardest part about writing about Janet is that I want you to be able to see her in action. Up early, she puts in work at Bodyshop X without complaint. Her pleasant smile and incredible insight make her a joy to be around. Why perseverance? Because Janet doesn't let obstacles get in her way of being productive. When things come up that could derail her, Janet finds ways to maintain her decision to live a healthy and active lifestyle!

P.S. If Janet had a blog/podcast, you'd be a fan. (We're working on a title)” -J.W.